Calretinin: An Explicit Marker for Ameloblastoma
Published: 2024-06-06
Page: 78-83
Issue: 2024 - Volume 7 [Issue 1]
Mandakini Mandale
GDC, Chh Sambhajinagar, India.
Anushree Patil *
GDC, Chh Sambhajinagar, India.
Jayanti Humbe
GDC, Chh Sambhajinagar, India.
Vaishali Nandkhedkar
GDC, Chh Sambhajinagar, India.
Savita Wagh
GDC, Chh Sambhajinagar, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
We report 3 cases of dentigerous cyst showing ameloblastomatous changes, radicular cyst revealing ameloblastoma like features and Basal cell adenoma mimicking ameloblastoma. A wide range of diseases known as odontogenic cysts and tumors develop from the tooth-forming mechanism and its byproducts. It encompasses a broad range of clinical features, from benign to malignant. Calretinin immunopositivity was limited to stellate reticulum-like cells, where micro- and macrocysts were prominently stained. The cells that resembled peripheral ameloblasts were negative. These finding were similar to the observations reported previously. Its utility as diagnostic adjunct is crucial in the differential diagnosis of ameloblastoma and other odontogenic lesion. This distinction is essential for determining appropriate treatment protocol as different lesion require different treatment approaches with potentially serious functional and esthetic consequences for patient. Therefore, calretinin expression level can significantly impact treatment planning & patient outcome.
Keywords: Macrocysts, immunopositivity, stellate reticulum, ameloblastomatous changes
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